LEAVE THE SHORE ! will take you less than one hour to read but could spare you from wasting the only life you have.

Each chapter will stir you to move out with your gifts and talents into the deep end of world mission.

You won’t think of ever going back to the shore!

This challenging little book has now been translated into French, Khmer, Finnish, Portuguese, Chinese, Braille, Spanish and Arabic.

To order your copy, write to timothee.paton@gmail.com


THEY HAVE LEFT THE SHORE… August, 8th 2024

Hi Tim When I was in Chang Mai I read one of your article about David come down to valley to fight Goliath and you show a picture of going to the mission field. This touched my heart so deeply and encourage me a lot. You have a special anointing from God and big heart for mission. I think God is using you more to mobilize people to go for mission. And using your book to touched many hearts and has impact for this world because they have ONLY ONE LIFE!!!! I With blessings’ G., Kurdistan –

‘Dear Tim, I recently wrote you a few lines of enquiry about your book, but this time it’s for another reason. I’ve been receiving your letters for some years now since you spoke at my former church in Strasbourg and I’ve been praying for the Kompong Cham prison that you mentioned some time ago in one of your updates. About five years ago, I married and moved to Montpellier and since arriving at my church here, I’ve been praying for an awakening regarding missions, especially among our young people. I was very challenged years ago by George Verwer of O.M. and in reading your updates and learning of your book ‘Quittez la Plage’ I realise that you have the same passion for reaching out to the lost. (I have just ordered six copies of your book).’ M., France –

‘When we went into mission, I didn’t blink once when we had to sell the house, car, furniture etc. Now, when God asks me to change organization, I got scared… Your last lines in your mail mean a lot to me. It is like God is using you to tell me: ” it is ok, go! use your talents to reach out to the least, lost and last, it is fine, I am with you! Step out of the boat and start walking on water.’ S., South Africa –

‘ Dear Pastor Tim, Remember you saying that no matter how rough the sea is, never turn back to the shore because Jesus Christ is in the boat with us. God bless you Pastor Tim. Keep up the good work! You are a blessing to many souls.’ Y. –

 ‘The article by Timothee Paton “Does God Speak to African Americans” was superb. When I was a missionary to African Americans, it always struck me that I left my comfort zone to reach the black community. And while there, heard many messages about the harms of “white flight” & now “black flight” from urban areas. However, it also was on my mind how the same folks who beckoned others to “leave their comfort zones & come to the city” never left their own comfort zones–which also happened to be the city in which they were born and raised. I even remember hearing a preacher charge nearly 3,000 African Americans in a nearby mega-church that those who left the city were equated with Jonah who was “called to Nineveh but ran to Tarshish.” The problem I had is that this same man’s family had been raised in the very city in which they ministered–making it their comfort zone. Bottom line: I NEVER met a single African American who was an active overseas missionary! It just struck me as odd, considering the huge church population existing in the Black communities. A quick watch of any Christian TV network reveals how much influence the African American church has in America. So I am also perplexed: Where are all the African American missionaries??’ J.L., USA –