What a privilege and an honour last weekend to be with the well-known French evangelist Gilbert Rigenbach and his wife.

When the door of their house opened, I was welcome with such a smile.

You would think we knew each other when I only met him once or twice as a child.

Around the kitchen table we spent a great evening. I felt small next to these giants of faith (married for 61 years!). Gilbert and Denise are among the greats in the Pentecostal movement.

Gilbert is a pioneer in French Christian music, a captivating speaker, an artist, a comedian. He could have become a worldly stand-up comedian or an actor, but he chose to use his humour to better communicate the Gospel. Thousands upon thousands have been impacted by his life.

At the age of 85, Gilbert still has his ‘joie de vivre’, a child’s heart and a great love for Jesus.

With 7 discs throughout his career, many funny skits and over a hundred songs, Pastor Rigenbach is a landmark in the French Christian world.

During our meal, he stood up and imitated Laurel and Hardy. Christian comedians are still very few and yet humour is such a powerful tool to communicate the Good News.

Sunday morning I spoke at the church in the little town of Héricourt, then back to their house for a nice meal and stories and testimonies of their lifelong ministry.

Click here to see some of Gilbert’s performances: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P11MUE8S5WU


Timothée Paton – The Weekly Update- July 27th, 2020
You can check out www.timotheepaton.com  for regular updates.

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