I have just finished reading the amazing story of French missionary Paul Horala who, back in 1975, was taken hostage by an armed group and moved around for months in the deserts of Chad, Sudan and Libya. In spite of the constant death threat Paul kept his faith in God.

It’s Paul who gave us, a few months ago, a copy of the book.

Paul and his wife Madeleine (who live 20 minutes’ drive from us) belong to those great faith heroes that the Church has almost forgotten. Though they are now elderly; they still have so much to share.

Yesterday, Yukki and I went over to see Pastor Gilbert Ringenbach and his wife. He is 86 years old. She is 83. We spent two hours around a table full of good food listening to their stories. They have experienced, throughout their 60 years of ministry in France, so many adventures of faith.

Last week, we visited Odette Calgagni, a former missionary to Burkina Faso. At her little flat in Mulhouse, Yukki and I sat listening to this little old woman of God. We were drinking all of her words. One hour with Odette and you come out inspired, moved and renewed in your faith in God.

In our church congregations there are so many heroes. They have often been forgotten. If we took the time to listen to their story we would be greatly enriched.

Timothée and Yukki Paton in Sausheim, France

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