One year after our honeymoon in the Auvergne, we drove back for a few days in that beautiful land of volcanoes.

At the small towns of La Bourboule and Le Mont Dore, we met up with brothers and sisters in Christ. They are few in number, they live in remote areas and yet they continue to be His witnesses.

After having reached the summit of the Puy de Sancy (fortunately the cable car helped us a lot!) we went to the Reformed Church of Le Mont Dore where (as we did last year) shared the Word of God. In the small audience sat 4 elderly women, sisters of the same family, (that my parents knew in the 80’s). After so many years of Christian life (in a spiritually barren area) they have not wavered in their faith. Beautiful examples of perseverance.

Monday evening we arrived in the Ardèche for one week at a Christian gathering…

Timothée and Yukki Paton

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