" We want to see people of all ages turning to Christ and stepping into their calling."
Timothée and Yukki Paton
Our ministry looks like a bicycle (or rather a tandem since there are two of us!).
We ‘pedal for Jesus’ across France and sometimes abroad.
The two wheels of our tandem are:
The Wheel of Proclaiming the Gospel.
We see the urgent need to get back to proclaiming the Gospel message in our churches.
In an increasing number of churches, the Plan of Salvation has not been communicated for a very long time.
We come alongside churches who want to put together an evangelistic program, (usually at their Sunday morning service) made up of performing artists, testimonies of conversion and the preaching of the Cross.
Christians are encouraged to invite their unconverted friends and family members, who during the service will have the opportunity to turn away from their old life and trust in Jesus.
We also make ourselves available to coach and assist new evangelists: brothers and sisters in Christ whom the Lord is calling to proclaim the Good News.
The Wheel of Mobilising for Mission.
A third of the world’s population still has no access to the Gospel. We want to stir believers of all ages to ‘leave the shore and set sail with Jesus for the deep waters of mission’.
God is constantly looking for new workers to ‘cast the nets’ among the unreached peoples of the Earth.
The harvest is great and there are still too few labourers.
Timothée & Yukki
PS: Our itinerary for the next few months is available. We will send it to you if you wish to follow us in prayer.