On Saturday morning at the Assembly of God in St Fons, Marc Greiner gave a ‘One Minute Witness’ training session. The enthusiastic participants then went out in the afternoon to the very needy neighbourhood to share their faith. We had very good contacts!
In the evening, at the youth meeting ( young people from 3 churches), 13 teenagers came forward to confess their sins and give their lives to Christ.
On Sunday morning, the Greiners went to the AoG in Villefranche to train the church there and the Patons shared the Word in St Fons.
In the afternoon, in the form of a mission’s talk show, Timothée took the role of a journalist and interviewed Marc, MoeySim and Yukki. A great time!
We continued our journey in Décines at the AoG pastors’ monthly meeting of the Rhône-Alpes-Bourgogne region where Timothée gave the Word.
After a good meal with around 40 pastors, we ended our stay at ‘Viens et Vois’, the publishing house of AoG France where both books “Quittez la plage!” and “C’est toujours possible!” are printed.
Please pray for lasting fruit from those meetings.
Timothée & Yukki Paton
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