‘I am now reading your book. It is good! It’s spoke to me lots because mission has been in my heart since I was 13 years old. I am Cambodian but adopted.’ Wejeka, Cambodia –
‘We have read the book; it has been a help and a focus on our future in France.’ Gill and Cliff, UK –
‘Can I buy two more copies to send to others to encourage them to step out for JESUS? It is an awesome book.’ Renée, Cambodia
‘I already started translating the book. It is interesting how this translation gives me pleasant memories of when you preached here in Brazil. I hope to see you soon! In addition, the book is so exciting and benevolent that is hard to stop work on it and go back to my daily responsibilities. Thanks for letting yourself be used by God to write this book. Surely, the Lord will touch Brazilians and other Portuguese speaking! Thank you for your confidence in allowing me to do part of it.’ Margareth, Brazil –
‘Hoping to get a hold of your book to pass on this information to people in our church and when we are traveling in the U.S. this coming summer. Hope our paths will cross again. In Christ alone’ Maylin and Chris, Hong Kong –