I don’t know if you still get mail (with real paper) in your letterbox? We do, only once in a while.

Recently we received a letter, sent from England, from Marjorie, an elderly lady.

The handwriting isn’t too clear, but we were able to understand most of it.

We decided to give her a call. On the line, a woman of faith who prays for us and who truly impressed us with her story.

After training at the WEC Missionary Training College in Glasgow and a short stay in Portugal to learn Portuguese, Marjorie Broughton sailed to Guinea-Bissau in 1971. The war of independence in 74 did not stop her. She took care of the sick in a bush clinic. WEC was the only mission authorized to work.

After 13 years on African soil, she returned to the UK to serve with WW and care for her ailing mother.

Long before she left for the mission field, she joined a WEC Prayer Battery held at the CLC in Newcastle (opened in the 1950s by WECers returning from the Congo) … which she re-joined after her years in Africa. This prayer meeting was held regularly for … 65 years!

Recently, the meeting closed. Members are either too old, or ill. (Anyone out there ready to re-open it?)

Marjorie ends her letter by mentioning that she just got off the phone with 96-year-old Lily, with whom she worked in Guinea Bissau.

Marjorie Broughton was saved 70 years ago. Her passion for Jesus and for world mission is an inspiration to us all.

Timothée & Yukki

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