It looked like a village when the 650 evangelical scouts set their camp out in the sticks near the Alsatian village of Pfaffenhoffer (yes, that’s spelled with 5 ‘f’s!).
4 days in glorious sunshine, both literally and spiritually!
Yukki discovered the world of Scouts for the first time and Timothée reconnected with the movement he had known as a child. (He showed the campers the little blue shirt and scarf he wore back in 1983!)
The Olympic theme of ‘Athletes of Faith’ was chosen for this Flambeaux rally. We were amazed, every day under the big top, how attentive to the Word the children and youth were, and especially on Saturday night at the invitation to give their lives to Christ.
Thanks to all of you who prayed each time we went up to speak.
The scouts were invited to learn by heart a verse each day. Dozens of boys and girls lined up to recite them (and win a gift!).
Thanks to Laurent and his team, who came to intercede 24 hours a day at the ‘Prayer Tent’. God answered and God saved!
To find out more about this great French youth movement:
Timothée and Yukki Paton