If there’s one book that should be in every Christian home, it’s ‘ Tour du monde en Prière’ (in French) or ‘Window on the Word’ (in English).

Not only does the book introduce us to new cultures, but it also gives the tools to pray for people who still have no access to the Gospel.

It was thanks to ‘ Window on the Word’ that we learned the existence of the Hui people of China or the Minangkabau of Indonesia.

In the ‘Did you know?’ section, we discovered for example that the Yezidis are not allowed to wear blue clothes, or that famous board games such as chess came from India…

We began (already over a year ago) with Afghanistan, then each Tuesday a new country, a new people, to end this long journey, this week with the nation of Zimbabwe.

The suggested prayer topics are there to help those who are not used to praying for the peoples of the world.

Get this book! Give it away: to families in your church, to children’s workers… By reading and praying through it, God will surely call new workers to the mission field.

Imagine the impact if thousands of families got together to intercede for the millions who don’t yet know Jesus!

Available in Christian bookshops and at InterVarsity Press:

Timothée & Yukki Paton

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