We would like to wish you a blessed year 2025 with this story that encouraged us and will certainly encourage you too as you launch into the new year:

The story is told of Sir Christopher Wren that while building a London church he planned a roof which was very risky.

Several envious architects ‘talked down’ this particular bit of Sir Christopher’s work, and certain church authorities, intimidated by the critics, compelled the architect to make the church roof safe by adding two pillars.

Sir Christopher reasoned, explained and pleaded, but the authorities would have things their way. So the two pillars were duly erected.

It was not until fifty years later that a surprising discovery was made. The two pillars were several inches too short – and therefore did just nothing to help to support the roof!

It was as if Sir Christopher had said: ‘ What I have built I have built. It will stand.’

The Word of God stands unfailing for you throughout the coming year. You have nothing to fear. God’s roof over your head will remain strong.

Timothée & Yukki 

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