I can’ remember the last time it snowed on April 2…
The snowflakes however brought a magic touch to the wedding of Nicolas and Victoria, Saturday morning at the little Town Hall of Sausheim…

Nicolas is the eldest son of our good friends Marc and MoeySim Greiner.

In spite of the cold, Yukki, her sister Florence (visiting Alsace for a few days) and I drove to the nearby town of Pfastatt to join the service at the ‘Centre Chrétien’.

During my sermon, I encouraged the young people to spend more time with the older folks of their congregation. Elderly people have, often, great testimonies of God’s Grace. Those seniors, who are sometimes ignored in our churches, have deep down in the hearts treasures that we need to discover. Like Raymond, an old man yesterday sitting at the back of the church, near the radiator, who told me that he discovered for the first time the Gospel in a little meeting place…59 years ago!

Timothée and Yukki Paton

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