It was yesterday, close to Paris… Visiting Yukki’s grandmother in an Old People’s Home, our eyes were once again opened to the huge spiritual need of the elderly in France.

In two hours, in the entrance hall, we met several ladies, most of them in wheelchairs. We listened to their stories, their sadness, but also their faith, most of them Catholic. We realized how open some of them are to the Gospel.

All they want is for someone to come and sit next to them.

When I asked one of the grannies how old she was, she replied: “I was shot by the Germans”, which she repeated that afternoon like a broken record on her soul.

What if our elderly, often forgotten, was the forgotten mission field of our churches?

What if worship bands or youth groups offered to host an afternoon at a retirement home nearby?

A few months ago, at the WEC European Conference, we made a commitment to share Christ with the old folks on the Old Continent.

May God raise believers from our churches to reach out to those on the threshold of Eternity.

Timothée and Yukki

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