In 1967, dictator Hoxha proclaimed Albania the world’s first atheist state. Christians were tortured and imprisoned.
Who would have imagined that the Worlwide Evangelisation for Christ European Conference would be held in what used to be the world’s most closed country?
Dozens of WEC missionaries from the 4 corners of Europe met at an hotel on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. 8 days of prayer, seeking God about the future of our mission and working in small groups on new strategies for evangelism, church planting and mission mobilization.
On Sunday afternoon, we travelled to Tirana, the capital. A small city with a mix of Soviet-era buildings, new modern towers, Orthodox churches and mosques…
At the top of a pyramid that had been built to the glory of the dictator, we prayed for the city and the Albanian people.
Since the early 90 s, this small Balkan country is wide open. May God send new workers!
Timothée & Yukki Paton