It’s on board of a rented Campervan that Yukki and I took the road on July 12th

After a short stay in La Bourgogne, we drove into the Auvergne in Central France, to discover (for Yukki) and rediscover (for me) one of the most beautiful regions of France.

First in the towns of Vichy and Gannat (the very first church my parents started is still there!), Clermont-Ferrand, then to the outstanding volcanic lakes of Aydat, Chambon and Pavin.

Yukki fell in love with the little town of La Bourboule at the foot of Le Sancy mountain… At Le Mont-Dore we spent 3 days with an elderly couple (that I knew when I was a boy) and met with an amazing old lady in a parc (I will tell you about her in our next ‘Weekly Update’).

The small towns of Murat-le-Quaire, St-Nectaire, Picherande, Besse are some of the nicest spots I have ever been to.

I would like to tell the millions of foreign tourists who fly into Paris every year: ‘Don’t hang around too long in the French capital! Go to the Auvergne instead!’

We drove through miles and miles of quiet roads and breath-taking sceneries of Le Cantal and La Haute-Loire and reached the town of Le Puy where we stopped one night at the foot of the huge St Michel d’Aiguilhe roc.

On our way back home we stopped near the lake of Annecy in the French Alps at a Camping site owned by a Christian couple.

During our trip we met some really nice people. We shared our faith and were surprised to see many open hearts.

Those 12 days on the road were just pure happiness!

Timothée and Yukki Paton, in Sausheim


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